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There is NEW project made by me - Daily-volt!
Go and read more on Home page:
Daily-volt -
Daily-volt LOGO
Views: 7999 | Added by: revoltep | Date: 2011-03-27 | Comments (2)

At school's computer I downloaded Blender 3D v.2.49b and made this - Column like at Old Greece. :)
(Click on Image to enlarge)
Views: 1964 | Added by: revoltep | Date: 2010-12-15 | Comments (0)


Finally, I have made 3D object what I have successfully converted from Blender 3D to Re-volt game.

To make it work on Re-volt just:

  1. Open .zip file
  2. Run "Blender car (by Kriss).exe"
  3. Select Re-volt directory
  4. Check what you need
  5. Click Install

Download here!

Small image:


I know - This isn't anything good or wonderful. It is just working test for this kind of convertions.

I think soon I will make tutorial for this.

That program for installing is for fun on Visual Basic 2008 Express Editon and is useful too for downloader.

P.S. All files is compressed in more (8) parts.


Views: 1181 | Added by: revoltep | Date: 2010-12-04 | Comments (0)


This is mine newest job on Blender 3D.


Click on image to enlarge.

Views: 1159 | Added by: revoltep | Date: 2010-11-29 | Comments (0)

Views: 1124 | Added by: revoltep | Date: 2010-11-28 | Comments (0)


I have completed that 3D skateboard what I posted before.

Skateboard complited

Views: 1256 | Added by: revoltep | Date: 2010-11-20 | Comments (0)


Here is another one picture made on Blender 3D by Me.

Click here!

Views: 8567 | Added by: revoltep | Date: 2010-11-19 | Comments (0)


I have made this video only on Blender 3D.

Better quality watching on here:

Views: 1087 | Added by: revoltep | Date: 2010-11-10 | Comments (0)

Here is newest WorlDO skin's title (click on image to enlarge):

Views: 1313 | Added by: revoltep | Date: 2010-11-09 | Comments (0)

Here is newest verion of WorlDO tool.
Continue to:
Views: 1052 | Added by: revoltep | Date: 2010-11-09 | Comments (0)

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This is site for people who want to understand and make some tracks with WorlDO tool.
Here you can download latest updates and find help.

Hope this site will be useful for your levels/tracks creating.

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